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J Korean Wound Management Soc > Volume 9(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of the Korean Wound Management Society 2013;9(1): 42-45.
감염된 국소피판 창상의 음압 치료 치험예
성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 성형외과학교실
Management of Pseudomonas Infected Local Flap Wound: Case Report
So Young Kim, Goo-Hyun Mun
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Sungkyunkwan University College of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
  Published online: 30 May 2013.
Psedomonas aeruginosa is an etiologic agent in serious wound infection. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection is problematic because it can delay the wound healing process. We report a case of managing 60 years-old man who underwent local flap reconstruction to cover the defect of back after wide excision of epithelioid sarcoma. He began to show several infection signs such as wound dehiscence, fever, tenderness, skin discoloration, greenish discharge. e decided to use empirical antibiotics that cover Pseudomonas species and to change dressing method to Bethadine irrigation, daily debridement and then vacuum assisted dressing. The patient''s wound improved progressively and was covered completely with split thickness skin graft. (J Korean Wound Management Soc 2013;9:42-45)
Key Words: Local flap infection, Pseudomonas
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