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Hyonsurk KimDankook University College of Medicine, Korea
Jae-A JungHanyang University College of Medicine, Korea
Hong Bae JeonDankook University College of Medicine, Korea
Hyonggin AnKorea University College of Medicine, Korea
Jaehyung ChaKorea University College of Medicine, Korea
Hojoon LeeAmgen Korea Medical Affairs, Korea
Hye-Eun SeokDepartment of Mathematics Education, Kyungpook National University, Korea
Hyono KimHyono Kim Translator / Conference Interpreter
ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Manuscript Editor
Mi Young ParkInfolumi, Korea
ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Ethics Committee
Young Cheon NaWonkwang University Hospital, Korea
ASSOCIATE EDITORS (in alphabetical order)
Jung Woo ChangHanyang University College of Medicine, Korea
Kyu Jin ChungYeungnam University College of Medicine, Korea
Hyun Ho HanAsan Medical Center, Korea
Jae Ha HwangChonnam National University Medical School, Korea
Sae Hwi KiInha University School of Medicine, Korea
Myong-Shin KimGangnam Severance Hospital, Korea
Jang Hyun LeeHanyang University College of Medicine, Korea
Ye-Na LeeDepartment of Natural Sciences, The University of Suwon, Korea
Kyung Hee ParkDepartment of Natural Sciences, The University of Suwon, Korea
Hyunsuk Peter SuhUniversity of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
Jae Wan SuhDankook University College of Medicine, Korea
Kunyong SungKangwon National University College of Medicine, Korea
Hijin YouKorea University College of Medicine, Korea
Matthew Seung-Suk ChoiHanyang University College of Medicine, Korea
(formerly “Journal of Korean Wound Management Society” & “Journal of the Korean Wound Care Society”)
Goo Hyun MunSungkyunkwan University College of Medicine, Korea
Hyo Jeong SongJeju National University College of Nursing, Korea
Jai Kyung PyonSungkyunkwan University College of Medicine, Korea
Kap Sung OhSungkyunkwan University College of Medicine, Korea

Editorial Office
Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Dankook University Hospital
201 Manghyang-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan 31116, Korea
TEL: +82-41-550-6285   FAX: +82-41-556-0524   E-mail: office@jwmr.org
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