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J Korean Wound Management Soc > Volume 8(2); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Wound Management Society 2012;8(2): 68-73.
상하지 재건에 사용되는 인공진피의 유용성
대구가톨릭대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실
The Effectiveness of Artificial Dermis Used in Upper and Lower Extremity Reconstruction
Won-ho Ha, Jeong Su Shim, Dae Hwan Park
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
  Published online: 30 November 2012.
Artificial dermis is used broadly in plastic surgery because of its shortening taken time effect. Almost of artificial dermis has its limit that artificial dermis is thicker then dermis. So two step procedure is used. To fill this limitation, which use thin skin substitute take center stage. In this study, we procedured skin graft uses variable artificial dermis on skin defect site by trauma. During the period between 2006 to 2011, a total of 95 patients at our medical institution underwent surgery in association with skin and soft tissue defect (Matriderm 24, Alloderm 12, Terudermis 22, Pelnac 39). Matriderm was applied to the after debridement then split thickness skin-graft was done consecutively. Alloderm was procedured on hypertrophic scar patient by split thickness skin graft. Terudermis and Pelnac was procedured on wound site where bone and tendon is exposured. Men are 62, women are 33 in total of 97. Mean age was 42.0 and age distribution was 4 to 92. Mean surgery frequency was 2.75 (1∼7), and average period time from last surgery of skin graft was 24.4 days. 17 of 24 cases of using Matriderm occured 100% taken. 9 of 12 cases of using Alloderm occurred. Loss of soft tissue of Terudermis and Pelnac was completely filled with granulation tissue after 17.2 days, therefore split-thickness skin graft was possible. In the reconstruction of skin defects, variety dermis-substutive tissue are used to minimize scars and filling. While Pelnac® and Terudermis are a two-step procedure to skin reconstruction, Matriderm and Alloderm are One-step procedure. Which means Matriderm and Alloderm help patients get back into their normal life more quickly and reduce any financial burden. Also the fact that they decrease joint-movement defects by contracture and are easy to handle will result in a substantial increase in their use in split-thickness skin graft. (J Korean Wound Management Soc 2012;8:68-73)
Key Words: One step procedure, Matriderm; , Artificial dermis
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